Spring weather in Minnesota seems to bring many unknowns to homeowners. With winds, hail and other dangerous weather potentially on the docket for spring and summertime, AgQuest and MN River Insurance wants to take a moment to remind you how to defend your home and family against these forces of nature.
Prepare Your Home with These Storm Safety Guidelines
We know nature cannot be controlled, but we can prepare for it. Check out these guidelines on up-to-date information on how to reduce the impact on your home and your family.
Before the Storm
Now is the time to prepare your home for the potential heavy winds and other nature forces that come along with storms. Work on your home improvement projects to help reduce the risk of loss in the event of severe storms.
- Secure loose shingles
- Clean out gutters
- Repair gaps in window and door caulking
- Trim overhanging branches
- Install a backup sump pump or alarm
- Install surge protectors
- Reinforce your garage with a garage door retrofit kit.
Before a storm is also the time to prepare your family:
- Update a list of your household possessions on your phone or computer for later reference, if needed
- Create a storm plan with your family including everyone’s role and responsibilities
- Gather a storm kit that includes head protection, medication, batteries and a weather radio

During a Storm
Once your home is on the path of a storm, these tips are important to keeping your family and home safe from nature’s potential destruction.
- Secure outdoor items.
- Close windows.
- Shut interior doors.
- Take shelter in an interior room.
- Close the garage door(s).
After a Storm
Wait to review the storm damage until after it has safely passed. Then, it is important to repair or improve your home to strengthen it before another storm. Here are some key to-dos to keep in mind during this process. Keep in mind, if the damage is going to be submitted as an insurance claim, no repairs can be made until a claim adjuster has been able to inspect the damage.
- Reroof with impact-resistant shingles.
- Use ring shank nails to connect roof decking to framing.
- Have your roof deck sealed.
- Improve the strength of anchored attachments.
- Install windows and doors that are impact resistant and properly pressure rated.
- Anchor chimneys to the home.
- Replace your garage door with one that is wind rated for your area.
AgQuest/MN River Insurance is Your Resource
Whether your home has been hit by storm damage or you are curious about your current coverage in the event of nature striking, we are here to help. Contact us today to get started on your next, personalized steps.