Our History
AgQuest Financial Services was formed by Harvest Land Cooperative (now Farmward Cooperative) with the vision of creating a personalized source of production financing that would give them the opportunity to build and strengthen relationships with their growers.
Through the years, that vision grew and partnerships were formed with other local cooperatives and ag retailers who share the same vision.
Today, AgQuest continues to focus on being the difference maker by offering a portfolio of innovative financial and risk management solutions that support stability and growth for our partners and their customers.

Morgan Farmers Elevator and Springfield Farmers Elevator are founded
Promoted and expanded the facilitation of the poultry industry and hog industry
Harvestland Cooperative forms with the merger of Springfield Farmers Elevator and Morgan Farmers Elevator
Harvestland Financial started as a division of Harvest Land, Inc.
Leasing Company Northland Capital, based in St. Cloud formed
AgQuest Financial Services formed
Work With Us
Contact us today to discuss all your financing and insurance needs.
AgQuest Insurance Agency is an equal opportunity provider.